

 Non-Binary refers to a range of gender identities that aren't man or women (i.e the binary genders.) There's no singular way to identify with the label to its meaning - someone non-binary people identify more closely with masculinity or femininity, with both or with neither.

Non-binary it's an aesthetic. 

Don't falsely equate non-binary genders with nonconforming style. Many non-binary people don't dress in an androgynous way, and many people who dress androgynously don't identify as non-binary. Just as there is no "correct" way to dress as a man or a women, there is also no correct way to look non-binary.

Non-binary doesn't always mean using "they/them" pronouns. 

While some non-binary people use they/them pronouns when people refer to them, some use he/him, she/her, or any combination of the above - or others. If you want to know what pronouns someone uses just ask them!

Non-binary isn't a gen-z "trend" 

Across cultures, people have been identifying as genders other than man and woman for as long as people have been around. The concept of non-binary isn't new - but the accessibility to information about this topic is, which is part of why an increasing amount of young people are coming out as non-binary

Just because something is new to you does not mean it is new. Just because you're unfamiliar with something doesn't mean it's not real. 

Non-binary people deserve the right to exist without constantly explaining, justifying, and proving that they are real to people who refuse to accept that gender as we know it is changing. 



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