✨How To Be An Active LGBTQ+ Ally✨

(image description: Pale mint green background with the text 'How to be active LGBTQ+ ally' centered at the top. Under the text is an animated cartoon image of 3 people, 2 of which are kneeling on the ground waving small pride flags, the 3rd person is standing behind them with their arms in the air. In the bottom right corner is the Stonewall logo)

1. Familiarise yourself with the language 

You could begin with doing something as easy as reading a glossary of terms and teaching yourself the right language to use when talking with LGBT+ people. It's a tiny but crucial step you can take to educate yourself and make sure you are using the terminology to be respectful to everyone around you, and help yourself to feel more confident when discussing LGBT+ issues. 

2. Educate yourself on the history of LGBT activism 

While you're already on Google getting to grips with every letter of the LGBT+ alphabet you can explore the history of the LGBT movement. Getting to know the history of LGBT activism is an empowering act in becoming an LGBT+ ally. As well as honouring the effort and sacrifices of those that have come before, it's important to appreciate how far we have come in the struggle for equality to fully understand how far we have left to go. 

3. Discover the challenges facing the LGBT+ community today 

Once you know the history you can help shape the future. Do some research into the specific battles that are being fought now, and find out the obstacles that the LGBT+ community is facing. Discover specific campaigns that resonate with you so you can get active and focus your support to really help make a difference. 

4.  Get involved in the community and show your support 

Sitting at home on the internet is the tip of the ally iceberg. If you really want to get involved in the cause it's important to get out there and be active in your community. Find LGBT+ events near you that welcome allies. Let the LGBT+ community know that you stand with them because your presence at events is a significant show of solidarity and support. Joining the conversation and listening to the experiences of the people you meet will undoubtedly broaden your understanding of what it means to be an ally and better your awareness of how to help achieve equality for all. 

5. Stand up for what you believe in 

It's easy to imagine that when you come across discrimination or hateful language you will whir into action, righting wrong and effortlessly challenging behaviour and views of people speaking and acting in a hurtful manner. The reality can be very different and truthfully, sometimes standing up against discrimination can be an intimidating experience. The important thing is to let your voice be heard and although it's not always easy, these are situations where being an ally really counts. it's important to let those with bigoted views know that they are not in a world where they can marginalise or bully those that need our support - and this is really the essence of what being an ally is all about.




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